I am generating a dynamic fieldset with javascript. For adding fields, I use the following function (this function actually adds more than one field)
//add test
function addTest() {
var location = document.getElementById('addTestLocation');
var num = document.getElementById('addTestCount');
var newnum = (document.getElementById('addTestCount').value -1)+ 2;
num.value = newnum;
location.innerHTML += "<div id='testContainer_"+newnum+"'><label for='test_"+newnum+"'>Test name: </label><input type='text' name='test_"+newnum+"' id='test_"+newnum+"'/> <a href='javascript: removeTest("+newnum+")'>- Remove test</a><br/><br/><span id='addObjectLocation'></span><br/><select id='select_"+newnum+"'><option>True or False</option><option>Single choice</option><option>Multiple choice</option><option>Short definition</option><option>Fill in the blanks</option></select><input type='hidden' id='addObjectCount' value='0'/> <a href='javascript:addObject();'>+ add question</a><br/><br/><hr/><br/></div>";
I use innerHTML
instead of append
because there is a lot of code i'd have to append, the markup is so much shorter this way.
Now, my problem is that whenever I add (or remove) a field, all the data from the other dynamically generated data would be lost. How can I fix this? Saving the value and then adding it to every field would be again, very complicated in my case. Any ideas?