I have an application written in Rails. In order to test it I've built a docker image. Everything works fine.
The problem, however, appears when I configure Jenkins to run those tests. Here's what I do, at the building step:
docker-compose up rspec
Where rspec is a service defined at docker-compose.yml and contains the following command:
command: "rspec spec/"
When rspec returns an error the build still succeeds. Here an example of the output:
21:42:24 [36mrspec_1 |[0m should save second profile
21:42:24 [36mrspec_1 |[0m
21:42:24 [36mrspec_1 |[0m Failures:
21:42:24 [36mrspec_1 |[0m
21:42:24 [36mrspec_1 |[0m 1) New profile Should persist new_profile_pricture
21:42:24 [36mrspec_1 |[0m Failure/Error: jump_to_four_phase_with(new_profile_picture)
21:42:24 [36mrspec_1 |[0m RuntimeError:
21:42:24 [36mrspec_1 |[0m Timeout for '#new_profile' (1) appearance reached!
21:42:25 [36mcomposes_rspec_1 exited with code 1
21:42:25 [0m[Profiler] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/hudson4606189750126491465.sh
21:42:25 Finished: SUCCESS
returned 1 and the build still succeeded.
If I check the container by its id with docker ps -a
I get "Exited (1) 2 minutes ago"
Do you guys know what is going on?
Is there an easy way to fail the build when the container fails?