I'm trying to render some data that i get with ajax into a datatable, but it seems I'm missing something, because it displays the error: TypeError: c is undefined.
I've read this post, Datatables TypeError: c is undefined, but any solution given hasn't solved my problem. Anyone have an idea that could help me? Thank you.
html code:
<table id="itinerariDetailTable" class="table table-sm table-striped table-bordered" style="font-size: x-small;">
<thead class="thead-inverse">
<th>C. Treball</th>
<th>G. Servei</th>
<th>T. Servei</th>
<th>Tipus Día</th>
<!-- <th>Jornades</th>
<th>Cost unitari</th>
<th>T. Itinerari</th>
<th>Escenario</th> -->
<th>C. Treball</th>
<th>G. Servei</th>
<th>T. Servei</th>
<th>Tipus Día</th>
<!-- <th>Jornades</th>
<th>Cost unitari</th>
<th>T. Itinerari</th>
<th>Escenario</th> -->
js code:
$('#itinerariDetailTable').DataTable( {
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"data": function(d){
d.idEscenari = $('#idEscenari').val();
"order": [[ 0, "asc" ]],
"columns": [
{ "data": "idItinerari" },
{ "data": "codiItinerari" },
{ "data": "descripcio" },
{ "data": "temporada.codiTemporada" },
{ "data": "districte" },
{ "data": "barri" },
{ "data": "centreTreball" },
{ "data": "grupServei" },
{ "data": "tractamentRecursos" },
{ "data": "maquinaCombustible" },
{ "data": "corretorn" },
{ "data": "torn" },
{ "data": "tipusDia" },
{ "data": "nombreEquips" }
/*{ "data": "frequencia" },
{"data": "resultatItinerari.costUnitari", "defaultContent": "0" },
{ "data": "tipusItinerari.codiTipusItinerari" }/*,
{ "data": "escenari.idEscenari" } */