I have a WPF project using the MVVM model.
In my View, I have set up an invisible WebBrowser
named myWebBrowser which is used to perform actions on the net (it seems that when I create the WebBrowser
dynamically it does not work as intended).
I also have, in my View, a button which, when clicked, would normally launch a void action that is set up in the ViewModel. That's fine. The issue I am having is that I want that void to do some events such as:
myWebBrowser.LoadCompleted += WebBrowserLoaded;
and basically launch the process using the invisible WebBrowser
that is in the View.
How can I achieve this as the ViewModel refuses for me to use a control name to reference it?
You can create an Attached Property
to do this for you:
public static class WebBrowserProperties
public static readonly DependencyProperty UrlProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("Url", typeof(string), typeof(WebBrowserProperties), new UIPropertyMetadata(string.Empty, UrlPropertyChanged));
public static string GetUrl(DependencyObject dependencyObject)
return (string)dependencyObject.GetValue(UrlProperty);
public static void SetUrl(DependencyObject dependencyObject, string value)
dependencyObject.SetValue(UrlProperty, value);
public static void UrlPropertyChanged(DependencyObject dependencyObject, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs dependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)
WebBrowser webBrowser = dependencyObject as WebBrowser;
if (webBrowser != null && GetUrl(webBrowser) != string.Empty)
webBrowser.LoadCompleted += WebBrowserLoaded;
public static void WebBrowserLoaded(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e)
You could then use it like this:
<WebBrowser Attached:WebBrowserProperties.Url="{Binding YourUrlProperty}" />
To update the content, simply change the value of the YourUrlProperty
try to use EventToCommand, if your webbrowser is hidden element in xaml.
Sheridan's answer is perfect but you might need to include the xmlns attribute
If you are using namespaces
: xmlns:Attached="clr-namespace:foo.my.namespace"