I am using angular-socket-io but needed a way to authenticate in the app first before starting the socket.io interface. I followed this method.
But I need to use event forwarding in the factory as shown here like this:
How can I add forwarding in my factory?
.factory('socket', function($rootScope, $timeout, socketFactory, $q, $log) {
// create a promise instance
var socket = $q.defer();
// listen for the authenticated event emitted on the rootScope of
// the Angular app. Once the event is fired, create the socket and resolve
// the promise.
$rootScope.$on('authenticated', function() {
// resolve in another digest cycle
$timeout(function() {
var token = window.localStorage["socket_token"];
var token_query = 'token=' + token;
var newSocket = (function() {
return socketFactory({
ioSocket: io.connect('http://example.com:3000', {
query: token_query
return socket.promise