I need to write something like a minesweeper in prolog. I am able to do that in "normal" language but when i try to start coding with prolog i totally don't know how to start. I need some sort of tips. Input specification:
Board size: m × n (m, n ∈ {1,...,16}), list of triples (i, j, k), where i ∈ {1,...,m}, j ∈ {1,...,n}, k ∈ {1,...,8}) describing fields with numbers.
For example:
[(1,1,1), (2,3,3), (2,5,2), (3,2,2), (3,4,4), (4,1,1), (4,3,1), (5,5,2)].
Output: list of digits and the atoms *
(for treasure) and (for blank fields). It is a representation of puzzle solution.
Rules of this puzzle: In 20 fields of a board there are hidden treasures. A digit in a field represents how many neighbour-fields have a treasure. There are no treasures in fields with a digit. Mark all fields with a treasure.
You need to guess how many treasures are hidden in diagonals.
I would be grateful for any tips. I don't want full solution, I want to write it by my own, but without clues I am not able to do that.