Anyone can help this? I am trying to import a leaflet plugin ( for ionic 2
Here is step which I did:
npm install leaflet.markercluster --save
I added leaflet like this:
import * as L from 'leaflet'; import * as LL from 'leaflet.markercluster';
And using it like this:
var markers = LL.markerClusterGroup();
i got an error TypeError:
WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_leaflet_markercluster.markerClusterGroup is
not a function
Are there any ways to custom webpack to load plugin lib? Thanks
Leaflet.markercluster plugin does not export itself the "standard" / UMD way.
When you import it, it only performs a side effect, i.e. it attaches itself to the L
(Leaflet) global namespace. It does not return anything into your default import nor LL
But you should be able to use it as if you had included it the "old school" way (i.e. through a <script>
var mcg = L.markerClusterGroup();
BTW, both Leaflet and Leaflet.markercluster perform side effects, so you would just need to import them this way:
import 'leaflet'; // Creates a global L namespace.
import 'leaflet.markercluster'; // Attaches L.markerClusterGroup to global L.
You need to use type declarations along with the module if you are using a javascript module.
For leaflet.markercluster
it should be here.
npm install leaflet.markercluster --save
npm install --save-dev @types/leaflet-markercluster
Also ensure your tsconfig.json
has the entry "typeRoots": ["types"],
Now it can be imported in your class.
import * as LL from 'leaflet-markercluster';