你如何检查线段和从水平的角度,从一个点发出的射线线之间的交叉?(How do you check f

2019-07-18 04:27发布

给定的线段,即两个点(X1,Y1)和(X2,Y2),一个点P(X,Y)和θ角。 我们如何发现,如果这线段和与P从横向相交或不θ角发出的光行? 如果他们不相交,如何找到交叉点?

Answer 1:

让我们来标记点Q =(X1,Y1)Q + S =(x2,y2) 。 因此S =(X2 - X1,Y2 - Y1)。 那么问题是这样的:

r =(COSθ,罪θ)。 然后穿过p上的射线的任何点可表示为p + T R(为一个标量参数0≤t)和该线段上的任何点可表示为q + U s(对于≤U A的标量参数0≤1)。

这两条线相交如果我们能找到tu使得P + T R = Q +



Answer 2:


    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the distance from the ray origin to the intersection point or null if there is no intersection.
    /// </summary>
    public double? GetRayToLineSegmentIntersection(Point rayOrigin, Vector rayDirection, Point point1, Point point2)
        var v1 = rayOrigin - point1;
        var v2 = point2 - point1;
        var v3 = new Vector(-rayDirection.Y, rayDirection.X);

        var dot = v2 * v3;
        if (Math.Abs(dot) < 0.000001)
            return null;

        var t1 = Vector.CrossProduct(v2, v1) / dot;
        var t2 = (v1 * v3) / dot;

        if (t1 >= 0.0 && (t2 >= 0.0 && t2 <= 1.0))
            return t1;

        return null;

Answer 3:

加雷思感谢为一个伟大的答案。 下面是用Python实现的解决方案。 随意删除测试,只是复制粘贴的实际功能。 我遵循的是出现在这里,该方法写了https://rootllama.wordpress.com/2014/06/20/ray-line-segment-intersection-test-in-2d/ 。

import numpy as np

def magnitude(vector):
   return np.sqrt(np.dot(np.array(vector),np.array(vector)))

def norm(vector):
   return np.array(vector)/magnitude(np.array(vector))

def lineRayIntersectionPoint(rayOrigin, rayDirection, point1, point2):
    >>> # Line segment
    >>> z1 = (0,0)
    >>> z2 = (10, 10)
    >>> # Test ray 1 -- intersecting ray
    >>> r = (0, 5)
    >>> d = norm((1,0))
    >>> len(lineRayIntersectionPoint(r,d,z1,z2)) == 1
    >>> # Test ray 2 -- intersecting ray
    >>> r = (5, 0)
    >>> d = norm((0,1))
    >>> len(lineRayIntersectionPoint(r,d,z1,z2)) == 1
    >>> # Test ray 3 -- intersecting perpendicular ray
    >>> r0 = (0,10)
    >>> r1 = (10,0)
    >>> d = norm(np.array(r1)-np.array(r0))
    >>> len(lineRayIntersectionPoint(r0,d,z1,z2)) == 1
    >>> # Test ray 4 -- intersecting perpendicular ray
    >>> r0 = (0, 10)
    >>> r1 = (10, 0)
    >>> d = norm(np.array(r0)-np.array(r1))
    >>> len(lineRayIntersectionPoint(r1,d,z1,z2)) == 1
    >>> # Test ray 5 -- non intersecting anti-parallel ray
    >>> r = (-2, 0)
    >>> d = norm(np.array(z1)-np.array(z2))
    >>> len(lineRayIntersectionPoint(r,d,z1,z2)) == 0
    >>> # Test ray 6 --intersecting perpendicular ray
    >>> r = (-2, 0)
    >>> d = norm(np.array(z1)-np.array(z2))
    >>> len(lineRayIntersectionPoint(r,d,z1,z2)) == 0
    # Convert to numpy arrays
    rayOrigin = np.array(rayOrigin, dtype=np.float)
    rayDirection = np.array(norm(rayDirection), dtype=np.float)
    point1 = np.array(point1, dtype=np.float)
    point2 = np.array(point2, dtype=np.float)

    # Ray-Line Segment Intersection Test in 2D
    # http://bit.ly/1CoxdrG
    v1 = rayOrigin - point1
    v2 = point2 - point1
    v3 = np.array([-rayDirection[1], rayDirection[0]])
    t1 = np.cross(v2, v1) / np.dot(v2, v3)
    t2 = np.dot(v1, v3) / np.dot(v2, v3)
    if t1 >= 0.0 and t2 >= 0.0 and t2 <= 1.0:
        return [rayOrigin + t1 * rayDirection]
    return []

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest

文章来源: How do you check for intersection between a line segment and a line ray emanating from a point at an angle from horizontal?