When writing plugins for media center your plugin is hosted in ehexthost.exe
this exe gets launched from ehshell.exe
and you have no way of launching it directly, instead you pass a special param to ehshell.exe
which will launch the plugin in a separate process.
When we are debugging media browser I find the process of attaching to a second process kind of clunky, I know about Debugger.Attach and also of some special registry entries I can use.
Both these methods don't exactly fit my bill. What I want is to press F5 and have my current instance of visual studio attach to the child process automatically. Can this be done?
If there is a plugin for VS that allows me to achieve this functionality I would be happy with it.
I ended up going with the following macro:
Public Sub CompileRunAndAttachToEhExtHost()
Dim trd As System.Threading.Thread = New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf AttachToEhExtHost)
End Sub
Public Sub AttachToEhExtHost()
Dim i As Integer = 0
Do Until i = 50
i = i + 1
For Each proc As EnvDTE.Process In DTE.Debugger.LocalProcesses
If (proc.Name.IndexOf("ehexthost.exe") <> -1) Then
Exit Sub
End If
Catch e As Exception
' dont care - stuff may be busy
End Try
End Sub
Also, I outlined the process on how to get this going on my blog.