I have an array in my batch file which looks like this:
"port[0] ="
"port[1] = 0"
"port[2] = 3"
"port[3] = 2"
Is there any nice and elegant way to move values one element back, so it'll look like this?:
"port[0] = 0"
"port[1] = 3"
"port[2] = 2"
"port[3] ="
I want something other than just SET port[0] = %port[1]%
, etc?
:: Q:\Test\2018\11\23\SO_53453204.cmd
@Echo off&SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "port[0]=" &Rem this clears/deletes the variable
set "port[1]=0"
set "port[2]=3"
set "port[3]=2"
For /L %%L in (1,1,3) do (
set /A "New=%%L-1,Last=%%L"
set "port[!New!]=!port[%%L]!"
:: finally reset the last entry
set "port[%Last%]="
set port[
> Q:\Test\2018\11\23\SO_53453204.cmd