I have a small web application running on apache server on a machine that uses javascript to do some XHR's. For a long time it worked with no problems, today all the XHR's stopped working but only on localhost, if you access it from outside it works perfectly.
Using mozilla firefox, firebug warns:
"Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at
. This can be fixed by moving the resource to the same domain or enabling CORS."
But i'm on localhost acessing a local content that have XHR calls a local datasnap server on the same machine, resuming, locally it fails, and from web it works.
I am acessing apache web page within url:
This is totally, really, weird for me, that just does not make sense, no-logic, why i get a cross-domain error if i'm acessing the same domain?
I want to know what is happening and solve this problem to continue doing my XHR's locally and via the web (external) too.