
2019-07-18 00:15发布

我在寻找为什么.NET的CancellationToken结构是除了CancellationTokenSource类推出的一个理由。 我理解的API是如何被使用的,但也想了解为什么它就是这样设计的。


var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

public void SomeCancellableOperation(CancellationToken token) {


var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

public void SomeCancellableOperation(CancellationTokenSource cts) {





Answer 1:


简短的回答是“关注点分离”。 这是千真万确的,有不同的实施策略和一些至少对于类型系统和最初的学习更简单。 然而,CTS和CT打算用在许多情况下(如深图书馆的书库,并行计算,异步等),因此在设计上有许多复杂的用例记在心里。 这是旨在鼓励成功的模式并阻止反模式在不牺牲性能的设计。


Answer 2:

I had the exact same question and I wanted to understand the rationale behind this design.

The accepted answer got the rationale exactly right. Here's the confirmation from the team who designed this feature (emphasis mine):

Two new types form the basis of the framework: A CancellationToken is a struct that represents a ‘potential request for cancellation’. This struct is passed into method calls as a parameter and the method can poll on it or register a callback to be fired when cancellation is requested. A CancellationTokenSource is a class that provides the mechanism for initiating a cancellation request and it has a Token property for obtaining an associated token. It would have been natural to combine these two classes into one, but this design allows the two key operations (initiating a cancellation request vs. observing and responding to cancellation) to be cleanly separated. In particular, methods that take only a CancellationToken can observe a cancellation request but cannot initiate one.

Link: .NET 4 Cancellation Framework

In my opinion, the fact that CancellationToken can only observe the state and not change it, is extremely critical. You can hand out the token like a candy and never worry that someone else, other than you, will Cancel it. It protects you from hostile third party code. Yes, the chances are slim, but I personally like that guarantee.

I also feel that it makes the API cleaner and avoids accidental mistake and promotes better component design.

Let's look at public API for both of these classes.

If you were to combine them, when writing LongRunningFunction, I will see methods like those multiple overloads of 'Cancel' which I should not be using. Personally, I hate to see Dispose method as well.

I think the current class design follows 'pit of success' philosophy, it guides developers to create better components which can handle Task cancellation and then instrument them together in numerous way to create complicated workflows.

Let me ask you a question, have you wondered what is the purpose of token.Register? It didn't make sense to me. And then I read Cancellation in Managed Threads and everything became crystal clear.

I believe that the Cancellation Framework Design in TPL is absolutely top notch.

Answer 3:

它们是独立的不是技术原因,而是语义的。 如果你看一下执行CancellationToken ILSpy下,你会发现它只是周围的包装CancellationTokenSource (因此没有什么不同性能方面比通过围绕基准)。

它们提供这种分离的功能,使事情变得更加可以预测的:当你通过一个方法CancellationToken ,你知道你仍然可以取消它唯一的一个。 当然,该方法仍可以抛出TaskCancelledException ,但CancellationToken本身-以及任何其他方法引用同样的道理-仍将是安全的。

Answer 4:


该CancellationTokenSource设置呼叫源上取消时,令牌的所有副本的状态。 看到这个MSDN页


Answer 5:

该CancellationTokenSource是“东西”发出的取消,无论出于何种原因。 它需要一种方式来“调度”该取消所有的CancellationToken的已经发行了。 这是怎么了,例如,ASP.NET可以取消操作时,请求被中止。 每个请求有一个CTSource转发该取消它发出的所有令牌。

这个伟大的单元测试BTW - 创建自己的取消标记源,获得令牌,呼吁soource取消,并通过令牌代码是必须处理的取消。

Answer 6:






文章来源: Why CancellationToken is separate from CancellationTokenSource?