Suppose I've got a simple Tornado
web server, which starts like this:
app = ... # create an Application
srv = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(app)
I am writing an "end-to-end" test, which starts the server in a separate process with subprocess.Popen
and then calls the server over HTTP. Now I need to make sure the server did not fail to start (e.g. because the port is busy) and then wait till server is ready.
I wrote a function to wait until the server gets ready :
def wait_till_ready(port, n=10, time_out=0.5):
for i in range(n):
requests.get("http://localhost:" + str(port))
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
raise Exception("failed to connect to the server")
Is there a better way ?
How can the parent process, which forks and execs the server, make sure that the server didn't fail because the server port is busy for example ? (I can change the server code if I need it).