创业板+黄瓜:重新启动浏览器方案之间(Geb + Cucumber: Restart Browser

2019-07-17 16:52发布

我使用的Grails 2.1.1黄瓜和创业板 我有一个包含2种情况的Auth.feature。 一个是成功认证,另一种是用于测试凭据无效。

我想我要工作了这一点的方法是让创业板注销,从第一个场景中,用户才可以运行第二个场景。 这是因为我考虑一步检查,以确保我在登录页面。 场景1个执行后,我是一个仪表板页面上。


现在,我实现了(a)和它工作得很好。 只是想知道这是否是最佳的。


Feature: login to system
  As a user of the system
  I want to log in to the application
  so that I can use it

  Scenario: login
    Given I access the login page
    When I enter valid credentials
    Then I see the dashboard

  Scenario: auth fail
    Given I access the login page
    When I enter invalid credentials
    Then I see appropriate error messages


Given(~'^I access the login page$') {->
  to LoginPage
  at LoginPage

When(~'^I enter valid credentials$') {
  page.add('user_10001@test.com', '10001')

Then(~'^I see the dashboard$') {->
  at DashboardPage

Then(~'^I see an error message on the login page$') { ->
  at LoginPage

When(~'^I enter invalid credentials$') { ->
  page.add('baduser', 'paddpassword')

Then(~'^I see appropriate error messages$') { ->
  at LoginPage
  // check for error message

Answer 1:

Based on some more research I've done, it looks like there are a few ways to handle this:

  • Just like I am already doing it, by logging out at the end of a scenario (or you could do it at the beginning
  • Make logging out its own scenario
  • In the env.groovy Before hook, add to LogoutPage
  • Logout using a Background

Answer 2:



文章来源: Geb + Cucumber: Restart Browser Between Scenarios