I’d like to load my SVG file, and fill it with pattern, created from my image file.
Here is my current approach:
canvas = new fabric.Canvas('mainCanvas')
# image = new fabric.Image(img[0])
# console.log image
fabric.loadSVGFromURL '/assets/my.svg',
(objects) ->
fabric.util.loadImage "url/to/my/image", (image) ->
console.log image
svg = fabric.util.groupSVGElements(objects)
svg = svg.scale(0.04).set(fill: "black", opacity: 0.5 )
svg.fill = new fabric.Pattern
source: image
repeat: "no-repeat"
Originally, I tried to use fabric.Image instance (img is jQuery image element, so I’m passing raw htmlelement to constructor), but just to be sure & use code more similar to pattern tutorial I’m using loadImage method.
Unfortunately, this code seems to not work (svg is loaded, but there’s no pattern on it). Is it possible to fill svg with pattern? If so, how can I achieve it?