I'm running several instances of a certain Python script on a Windows machine, each from a different directory and using a separate shell windows. Unfortunately Windows gives each of these shell windows the same name:
<User>: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe - <script.py>
Is it possible to set this name to something else through a Python command?
This works for Python2.7 under Windows.
>>> import ctypes
>>> ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleA("My New Title")
On Windows, a simple console command will suffice:
from os import system
system("title "+myCoolTitle)
Nice & easy.
Due to not enough rep I cannot add a comment to the above post - so as a new post.
In Python 3 you can use:
import ctypes
ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleW("My New Title")
I edited this answer: please remark, that it now uses SetConsoleTitleW, which is the Unicode version of the SetConsoleTitle function.
This way you can use unicode and no longer have to encode the string/variable to a byte object. You can just replace the argument with the string variable.
Since you're only going to be running this on Windows (IOW, there's not a cross-platform way to do this):
- Download & install the Win32 extensions for python
Inside of your script, you can change the title of the console with the function
win32console.SetConsoleTitle("My Awesome App")
I am not aware of a way to change the cmd
window title from within the script.
However, you can set the title when launching the script if you use the start
If starting the Idle-shell is an option instead of the cmd shell:
idle.py [-c command] [-d] [-e] [-s] [-t title] [arg] ...
-c command run this command
-d enable debugger
-e edit mode; arguments are files to be edited
-t title set title of shell window
Comparison of the posted system()
& windll
-based methods
tying to add a small quantitative comparison of latency overheads associated with two of the posted methods:
|>>> from zmq import Stopwatch
|>>> aSWX = Stopwatch()
|>>> from os import system
|>>> aSWX.start();system( 'TITLE os_SHELL_CMD_TITLE_TXT');aSWX.stop() 15149L [us]
|>>> aSWX.start();system( 'TITLE os_SHELL_CMD_TITLE_TXT');aSWX.stop() 15347L [us]
|>>> aSWX.start();system( 'TITLE os_SHELL_CMD_TITLE_TXT');aSWX.stop() 15000L [us]
|>>> aSWX.start();system( 'TITLE os_SHELL_CMD_TITLE_TXT');aSWX.stop() 14674L [us]
|>>> aSWX.start();system( 'TITLE os_SHELL_CMD_TITLE_TXT');aSWX.stop() 14774L [us]
|>>> aSWX.start();system( 'TITLE os_SHELL_CMD_TITLE_TXT');aSWX.stop() 14551L [us]
|>>> aSWX.start();system( 'TITLE os_SHELL_CMD_TITLE_TXT');aSWX.stop() 14633L [us]
|>>> aSWX.start();system( 'TITLE os_SHELL_CMD_TITLE_TXT');aSWX.stop() 15202L [us]
|>>> aSWX.start();system( 'TITLE os_SHELL_CMD_TITLE_TXT');aSWX.stop() 14889L [us]
|>>> from ctypes import windll
|>>> aSWX.start();windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleA('DLL');aSWX.stop() 5767L [us]
|>>> aSWX.start();windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleA('DLL');aSWX.stop() 643L [us]
|>>> aSWX.start();windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleA('DLL');aSWX.stop() 573L [us]
|>>> aSWX.start();windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleA('DLL');aSWX.stop() 749L [us]
|>>> aSWX.start();windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleA('DLL');aSWX.stop() 689L [us]
|>>> aSWX.start();windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleA('DLL');aSWX.stop() 651L [us]
In cases, where one might spend about a half of millisecond ( but not some tens of that ) the windll.kernel32
method seems promising and may serve better for an alternative display of a WatchDOG / StateVARs / ProgressLOG / auto-self-diagnostic messages, being efficiently displayed in a soft real-time need, during long running processes.
It is now possible to change the window title from within any language via outputting a standard escape sequence to the console (stdout). Here's a working example from a batch file Change command prompt to only show current directory name however just printing ESC close-bracket 2 semicolon your-title-here BEL (control-G) will do it. Also an easily adapted PHP example:
function windowTitle($title)
{printf("\033]2;%s\007", $title);}