
SVN and renaming the server it's running on

2019-07-17 16:11发布


I'm running VisualSVN as my SVN server and using TortoiseSVN as the client. I've just renamed the server from mach1 to mach2 and now can't use SVN because it's looking for the repositories at http://mach1:81/ instead of the new name http://mach2:81/

Any idea how to fix this?


Use the "relocate" option provided by Tortoise SVN. Just right click on the upper-most checked out folder, select relocate, and then enter the new URL.


Just change the address of the svn repository using switch --relocate command.

$svn switch --relocate file:///tmp/repos file:///tmp/newlocation.
In your case it would be $svn switch --relocate http://mach1:81/ http://mach2:81/


First google hit: svn sw --relocate svn://example1.com:22/name http://example2.com:24/edc