
Is the content element used in Polymer 1.0?

2019-07-17 14:00发布



In the above link under "Dom Distribution" it says:

To support composition of an element's light DOM with its local DOM, Polymer supports the <content> element. ...

Just wondering if this is out of date? Does Polymer 1.0 use slots as described here?



It's definitely working in Polymer 1.0, even with Shadow DOM; I'm currently using it in my projects which use Polymer 1.6, but it may be outdated in Polymer 2.0 or a newer version.

@ebidel confirmed that they will add the slots to webcomponents.js, but currently nobody is assigned to it: https://github.com/webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/issues/430


In the Polymer 1.7 they introduced the <slot> element for preparing to upgrade to 2.0 wich should be released soon. The 2.0 will not have the <content> element because they switching to the CustomElement v1 spec. I recommend that if you are plan to use <content> element then switch it to slot so in the future you will able to just upgrade the polymer library without heavy migrating.

The slot is working a bit different, the slot does not have a selector:

<dom-module id="my-element">
        <slot name="content"></slot>
        is: 'my-element'

    <div slot="content">My Content</div>