I'm trying to deploy my app with mina.
When it starts to run migrations I got this error:
-----> Migrating database
rake aborted!
Devise.secret_key was not set. Please add the following to your Devise initializer:
config.secret_key = 'key here.......'
Please ensure you restarted your application after installing Devise or setting the key.
In my devise initializer I have config.secret_key = ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"]
How to add this key to my app?
Are secret_key_base and secret_key different?
This might be stupid but I dont know how to add this key.
Locally everything works fine
ps I'm using figaro
open your rails app folder go to
and paste this line of code at the end:
config.secret_key = *****
where ***** is the string your console gives you when the error pops out.
as an Environment variable:
If you want an enviorment Variable you can go different ways, for example replace the above line of code to this:
config.secret_key = ENV['DEVISE_SECRET_KEY']
then you can create a the variable on a keys.yml file and add it to your ./gitignore file.
after that you can import the yaml file to your app like this:
ENV.update YAML.load(File.read(File.expand_path('../keys.yml', __FILE__)))
module yourApp
I added
set :shared_paths, ['config/database.yml', 'log', 'config/secrets.yml']
to my deploy.rb
and it solved my problem.
In the secrets.yml