I keep throwing this error but I have version 7.1.2 installed. Why can't I ./configure
Here is my error message:
checking whether to enable Xdebug support... yes, shared
checking Check for supported PHP versions... configure: error: not supported.
Need a PHP version >= 7.0.0 and < 7.3.0 (found 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.26)
root@precise32:/var/www/xdebug# php -v
PHP 7.1.2-3+deb.sury.org~precise+1 (cli) (built: Feb 22 2017 10:29:40) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.1.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v7.1.2-3+deb.sury.org~precise+1, Copyright (c) 1999-2017, by Zend Technologies
Has anyone else encountered this problem. I've tried reinstalling php 7.0 and several other tactics. Read through a bunch of different stack questions similar but I can't figure it out.
Which means I can't move on to: make
make install
cp modules/xdebug.so /etc/php.d/xdebug.so
You're using the PPA from Ondřej Surý. So you can easily install xdebug by using apt-get install php7.1-xdebug
Edit: How-To configure Xdebug (on Ubuntu based Linux systems):
Create an ini file /etc/php/7.1/mods-available/custom.ini
and put the following configuration into it:
; priority=90
; replace <Host-IP-Address> with the IP of your host system!
; You'll need this later.
Now activate the configuration with the command sudo phpenmod -v 7.1 -s ALL custom
. Don't forget to restart your web server.
Second you need an IDE which supports the dbgp
protocol. I use PhpStorm, it's fast (even it runs for hours) and of cause, it has a native Xdebug support.
After you've set up your IDE and set at least one breakpoint in your code, you can trigger the debugger very simple:
1st option: Add the query parameter XDEBUG_SESSION_START=PHPSTORM
is the value of the xdebug.idekey
setting in your configuration file).
2nd option: Send a cookie with the content XDEBUG_SESSION=PHPSTORM
with your request. cURL example: curl -H 'Cookie: XDEBUBG_SESSION=PHPSTORM' http://my-awesome.domain/awesome-script.php
If you've set up anything correctly, you can now play with Xdebug.
Xdebug - Documentation
PhpStorm - Configuring Xdebug
PhpStorm - Zero-configuration Web Application Debugging with Xdebug and PhpStorm
And last but not least, some nice-to-have Xdebug settings:
; enable colors for the command-line interface
; show more data when using var_dump
; enable trigger for easy profiling
Have nice debugging sessions :)