Finding an ObservableCollection for given/dynamic

2019-07-17 06:36发布


I have a Class with several ObservableCollections for different types. Now, I want to find the correct Collection for a given type via reflection, because I don't want to build an if-monster which I have to update every time I add another Collection.

This method was the first step:

public ObservableCollection<T> GetObservableCollectionForType<T>()

   foreach (PropertyInfo info in this.GetType().GetProperties())

      if (info.GetGetMethod() != null && info.PropertyType == typeof(ObservableCollection<T>))
         return (ObservableCollection<T>)this.GetType().GetProperty(info.Name).GetValue(this, null);                   


   return null;


Now, I need a second method, which accepts a concrete object as parameter and finds the correct Collection. Somehow like this:

public ObservableCollection<T> GetObservableCollectionFor(object sObject)

   Type wantedType = sObject.GetType();

   foreach (PropertyInfo info in this.GetType().GetProperties())

     if (info.GetGetMethod() != null && info.PropertyType == ObservableCollection<wantedType>)
        return this.GetType().GetProperty(info.Name).GetValue(this, null);


   return null;


Any ideas how to realize this?


A working solution:

public object GetObservableCollectionFor(object sObject)

   Type wantedType = sObject.GetType();

   foreach (PropertyInfo info in this.GetType().GetProperties())

      if (info.GetGetMethod() != null && info.PropertyType == typeof(ObservableCollection<>).MakeGenericType(new[]{wantedType}))
         return this.GetType().GetProperty(info.Name).GetValue(this, null);


   return null;


This will return the correct collection as object. I still don't know how to cast to the correct generic type, but casting to IList is enough for adding and removing.


When comparing the type of the property, it looks like you need to add a call to MakeGenericType() on the ObservableCollection type. Haven't tested this but maybe something like...

public ObservableCollection<T> GetObservableCollectionFor(object sObject)

   Type wantedType = sObject.GetType();

   foreach (PropertyInfo info in this.GetType().GetProperties())

     if (info.GetGetMethod() != null && info.PropertyType == typeof(ObservableCollection<>).MakeGenericType(new[]{Type.GetType(wantedType)})

        return (ObservableCollection<T>)this.GetType().GetProperty(info.Name).GetValue(this, null);


   return null;


Edit To avoid overhead boxing with value types, the above method definition could be improved by changing the parameter type from object to type T

public ObservableCollection<T> GetObservableCollectionFor(T sObject)