I'm trying to create a sample application in native script. I used RadSideDrawer for sidemenu in the following way by referencing http://docs.telerik.com/devtools/nativescript-ui/Controls/Angular/SideDrawer/getting-started :
<RadSideDrawer [transition]="RevealTransition" #drawer>
<StackLayout tkDrawerContent class="sideStackLayout">
<StackLayout class="sideTitleStackLayout">
<Label text="Navigation Menu"></Label>
<StackLayout class="sideStackLayout">
<Label text="Primary" class="sideLabel sideLightGrayLabel"></Label>
<Label text="Social" class="sideLabel"></Label>
<Label text="Promotions" class="sideLabel"></Label>
<Label text="Labels" class="sideLabel sideLightGrayLabel"></Label>
<Label text="Important" class="sideLabel"></Label>
<Label text="Starred" class="sideLabel"></Label>
<Label text="Sent Mail" class="sideLabel"></Label>
<Label text="Drafts" class="sideLabel"></Label>
<StackLayout tkMainContent>
<GridLayout rows="*">
<page-router-outlet ></page-router-outlet>
<ActivityIndicator #activityIndicator horizontalAlignment="center" verticalAlignment="center" width="100" height="100" row="0"></ActivityIndicator>
In my app.component.ts, I've given :
import {RadSideDrawer} from "nativescript-telerik-ui/sidedrawer";
@ViewChild("drawer") drawer : ElementRef;
public toggleDrawer(){
let drawer = <RadSideDrawer>this.drawer.nativeElement;
The problem is that whenever I'm trying to execute toggleDrawer(), I'm getting an error :
drawer.toggleDrawerState not a function.
What could be gone wrong? I'm getting a this.drawer as an [object Object] and this.drawer.nativeElement as ProxyViewContainer(5), that means it is identifying the element, but cannot call toggleDrawerState();
Also the style is distorted now, it is now listing the tkDrawerContent in the main view and I'm not able to see the original page contents I specified in tkMainContent.