I'm using C# and P-Invoke to get access to objects in the Qt framework (http://qt.digia.com/). I don't seem to be having trouble using functions that return simple types (or void), but whenever I try to use a function that returns an object, the application crashes.
For example, in QtXml4.dll, there is a method QXmlInputSource::data(void) that returns an object of type QString. Here is my wrapper class:
public class QXmlInputSource
// PInvoke - class QString QXmlInputSource::data(void)
[DllImport("QtXml4.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "?data@QXmlInputSource@@UBE?AVQString@@XZ",
SetLastError = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.ThisCall)]
static extern IntPtr data(ref IntPtr Ptr);
private IntPtr mPtr;
public QXmlInputSource(IntPtr Ptr)
mPtr = Ptr;
public override string ToString()
IntPtr mData = data(ref mPtr);
return "Epic Fail";
And here is some code that hooks (using EasyHook) into a function call that provides a valid QXmlInputSource object:
// just use a P-Invoke implementation to get native API access from C# (this step is not necessary for C++.NET)
[DllImport("QtXml4.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "?parse@QXmlSimpleReader@@UAE_NPBVQXmlInputSource@@@Z",
SetLastError = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.ThisCall)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
static extern bool XmlParse(IntPtr Reader, IntPtr Source);
// Intercept all calls to parse XML
public bool XmlParse_Intercepted(IntPtr Reader, IntPtr Source)
QXmlInputSource XmlSource = new QXmlInputSource(Source);
String s = XmlSource.ToString();
// call original API...
return XmlParse(Reader, Source);
The hooking code seems to work fine. The Qt application crashes when I make the call to the data() function in my wrapper class. As I said above, the Qt-based application seems to crash whenever the function call returns an object rather than a simple type.
I've tried various combinations of CallingConventions, return types, Marshaling, etc. but haven't stumbled on anything that actually works.
Any help much appreciated.
Also a general thank you to all the contributors on the site - it's an invaluable resource!