When writing code for existing applications, often times the development database environment does not match the production environment - and even worse, there are times still where overlaying the environments is just not an option.
One idea I had in mind to code for all environments would be to use a databound enum, whose values would be bound to the ID of the data item they represent. I couldn't get that to work with an Enum
but I was able to solve it via abstract classes. For example:
public abstract class Colors
private static readonly string c_red = "red";
private static readonly string c_blue = "blue";
private static readonly string c_yellow = "yellow";
private static readonly string c_green = "green";
private static int? _red = null;
private static int? _blue = null;
private static int? _yellow = null;
private static int? _green = null;
public static int Red
if (_red == null)
_red = GetColorID(c_red);
return (int)_red;
public static int Blue
if (_blue == null)
_blue = GetColorID(c_blue);
return (int)_blue;
public static int Yellow
if (_yellow == null)
_yellow = GetColorID(c_yellow);
return (int)_yellow;
public static int Green
if (_green == null)
_green = GetColorID(c_green);
return (int)_green;
private static int GetColorID(string identifier)
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Demo"].ConnectionString))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("spGetColorId", conn))
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Name", identifier);
return Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
By doing it this way, I'm able to call Colors.Red
in this example to get the ID of Red regardless of if I'm in Dev, Testing, or Production.
My question is: is this really the ideal method of accomplishing this? Is there a native-to-C# method of databinding enums, or something equivalent to what I'm doing above?