I'm trying to use windows push notifications in native C++ code. But I struggle with implementation. I'm calling CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicationAsync
but it returns
HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND) : Element not found.
My OS is Win10 and I use Visual Studio 2015.
Here is my code:
#include <wrl.h>
#include <windows.networking.pushnotifications.h>
#include <ppltasks.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "runtimeobject.lib")
using namespace ABI::Windows::Foundation;
using namespace Microsoft::WRL;
using namespace Microsoft::WRL::Wrappers;
using namespace ABI::Windows::Networking::PushNotifications;
using namespace concurrency;
int main(char* argv[], int argc)
RoInitializeWrapper init(RO_INIT_MULTITHREADED);
if ( FAILED(init) )
return 0;
ComPtr<IPushNotificationChannelManagerStatics> channelManager;
HRESULT hr = GetActivationFactory(HStringReference(L"Windows.Networking.PushNotifications.PushNotificationChannelManager").Get(), &channelManager);
if ( FAILED(hr) )
return 0;
IAsyncOperation<PushNotificationChannel*>* asyncOp;
hr = channelManager->CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicationAsync(&asyncOp); // return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND)
if ( FAILED(hr) )
return 0;
// create task to obtain uri from asyncOp
return 0;
On the other hand it is pretty straightforward in WinRT.
namespace WnsPushAPI
public ref class WnsWrapper sealed
void ObtainUri()
IAsyncOperation<PushNotificationChannel^>^ channelOperation = PushNotificationChannelManager::CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicationAsync();
auto channelTask = create_task(channelOperation);
channelTask.then([this](PushNotificationChannel^ channel) {
// ... Save URI for latter use. channel->Uri->Data()
channel->PushNotificationReceived += ref new TypedEventHandler<PushNotificationChannel^, PushNotificationReceivedEventArgs^>(this, &WnsWrapper::OnNotify);
}, task_continuation_context::use_current());
void OnNotify(PushNotificationChannel^ sender, PushNotificationReceivedEventArgs^ e)
// do something
I also checked generated code with /d1ZWtokens
compiler switch but I didn't find anything useful.
Documentation for push notification for native C++ is really poorly written and I couldn't find and example in native C++.