sql query to dynamically add fiscal month using pi

2019-07-17 02:51发布


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[_sp_GetDMActivityTrackerReport]
@CoachId VARCHAR(7),
@Month INT,
@FiscalYear INT

INSERT @FiscalMonth (ID,Month,NbHolidays,MonthDate,TotalDays)
EXECUTE dbo._sp_GetFiscalMonths @Month, @FiscalYear

SELECT PreparationID,CoachId,UserID, MemberID,
[Rep Name], isnull(April,0) April, isnull(May,0) May, isnull(June,0)June,
isnull(July,0) July, isnull(August,0) August, isnull(September,0) September, 
isnull(October,0) October, isnull(November,0) November,
isnull(December,0) December, isnull(January,0) January, isnull(February,0) February,
isnull(March,0) March,isnull((isnull(November,0) + isnull(December,0) + 
isnull(January,0) + isnull(February,0) + isnull(March,0) + isnull(April,0) +
isnull(May,0) + isnull(June,0) + isnull(July,0) + isnull(August,0) +
isnull(September,0) + isnull(October,0)),0) as [Total Field TIME] 

SELECT up.PreparationID,tt.UserId [CoachId],up.UserID, utm.MemberID, 
(ui.FirstName + ' ' + ui.LastName) AS [Rep Name],DateName(Month,nft.MonthPeriodStart) [Month], sum(nft.Quantity) [Days]

FROM TransferedTime tt
INNER JOIN UPreparation up ON tt.PreparationID = up.PreparationID 
RIGHT JOIN UTeamMembers utm ON tt.UserId = utm.CoachID AND utm.MemberID = up.UserID
INNER JOIN UserInfo ui ON utm.MemberID = ui.UserID
LEFT JOIN NonFieldTime nft ON nft.UserId = tt.UserId 
AND tt.MonthPeriodFrom = nft.MonthPeriodStart
AND datename(Month,nft.MonthPeriodStart) + '-'+ substring(datename(Year,nft.MonthPeriodStart),3,2) IN 
(SELECT Month +'-' +substring(datename(Year,MonthDate),3,2) [Months] FROM @FiscalMonth)
WHERE utm.MemberID IN (SELECT MemberID FROM UTeamMembers WHERE CoachID = @CoachId)
GROUP BY up.PreparationID,tt.UserId,up.UserID, utm.MemberID,
(ui.FirstName + ' ' + ui.LastName),DateName(Month,nft.MonthPeriodStart)) src 
for Month in (April, May, June, July, August, September, October,November, December, January, February, March)

@Fiscalmonth returns:
Id, Month, NbHolidays, MonthDate
1   April     1 4/1/2012
2   May   2 5/1/2012 
3   June      3 6/1/2012
4   July      4 7/1/2012
5   August    5 8/1/2012
6   September 6 9/1/2012
7   October   7 10/1/2012
8   November  8 11/1/2012
9   December  9 12/1/2012
10  January   10    1/1/2013
11  February  11    2/1/2013
12  March     12    3/1/2013

I have a stored procedure which generate report according to the fiscal year. here fiscal year and fiscal month comes from the database now I am facing problem in generating this report dynamically as you can see i had fixed the months year which is not a good practice i want it to some way that if i changed the fiscal month in the database then my report reflect accordingly.


You will need to use dynamic SQL to do this. The rough code is going to be similar to this:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[_sp_GetDMActivityTrackerReport]
    @CoachId VARCHAR(7),
    @Month INT,
    @FiscalYear INT

INSERT @FiscalMonth (ID,Month,NbHolidays,MonthDate,TotalDays)
EXECUTE dbo._sp_GetFiscalMonths @Month, @FiscalYear

    @colsNull AS NVARCHAR(MAX),
    @colsSum AS NVARCHAR(MAX),
    @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(DateName(Month,nft.MonthPeriodStart)) 
                    from NonFieldTime nft
                    where datename(Month,nft.MonthPeriodStart) + '-'+ substring(datename(Year,nft.MonthPeriodStart),3,2) 
                        IN (SELECT Month +'-' +substring(datename(Year,MonthDate),3,2) [Months] 
                            FROM +@FiscalMonth)
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'')

select @colsNull = STUFF((SELECT distinct ', IsNull(' + QUOTENAME(DateName(Month,nft.MonthPeriodStart))+', 0) as '+DateName(Month,nft.MonthPeriodStart)
                    from NonFieldTime nft
                    where datename(Month,nft.MonthPeriodStart) + '-'+ substring(datename(Year,nft.MonthPeriodStart),3,2) 
                        IN (SELECT Month +'-' +substring(datename(Year,MonthDate),3,2) [Months] 
                            FROM +@FiscalMonth)
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') ,1,1,'')

select @colsSum = STUFF((SELECT distinct '+ IsNull(' + QUOTENAME(DateName(Month,nft.MonthPeriodStart))+', 0)'
                    from NonFieldTime nft
                    where datename(Month,nft.MonthPeriodStart) + '-'+ substring(datename(Year,nft.MonthPeriodStart),3,2) 
                        IN (SELECT Month +'-' +substring(datename(Year,MonthDate),3,2) [Months] 
                            FROM +@FiscalMonth)
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') ,1,1,'')+' as [Total Field TIME] '

set @query = 'SELECT PreparationID,CoachId,UserID, MemberID,
                    [Rep Name], ' + @colsNull + ', '+ @colsSum+' 
                SELECT up.PreparationID,
                    tt.UserId [CoachId],
                    up.UserID, utm.MemberID, 
                    (ui.FirstName + '' '' + ui.LastName) AS [Rep Name],
                    DateName(Month,nft.MonthPeriodStart) [Month], 
                    sum(nft.Quantity) [Days]
                FROM TransferedTime tt
                INNER JOIN UPreparation up 
                    ON tt.PreparationID = up.PreparationID 
                RIGHT JOIN UTeamMembers utm 
                    ON tt.UserId = utm.CoachID AND utm.MemberID = up.UserID
                INNER JOIN UserInfo ui 
                    ON utm.MemberID = ui.UserID
                LEFT JOIN NonFieldTime nft 
                    ON nft.UserId = tt.UserId 
                    AND tt.MonthPeriodFrom = nft.MonthPeriodStart
                    AND datename(Month,nft.MonthPeriodStart) + ''-''+ substring(datename(Year,nft.MonthPeriodStart),3,2) IN 
                        (SELECT Month +''-'' +substring(datename(Year,MonthDate),3,2) [Months] 
                         FROM +@FiscalMonth)
                WHERE utm.MemberID IN (SELECT MemberID 
                                        FROM UTeamMembers 
                                        WHERE CoachID = '+@CoachId+')
                GROUP BY up.PreparationID,tt.UserId,up.UserID, utm.MemberID,
                (ui.FirstName + '' '' + ui.LastName),DateName(Month,nft.MonthPeriodStart)
            ) x
                for Month in (' + @cols + ')
            ) p '


My suggestion instead of using the temp table @FiscalMonth is to create a table that is permanent for this. It will be much simpler to query against a perm table rather than the temp table when using dynamic sql. The temp table might be out of scope for the dynamic query.


There is PIVOT XML option in Oracle that allows you to avoid hard coding. I'm not sure if there is such option in SQL Server. You can write smth lk this - also Oracle query:

SELECT count(decode(state,'FL',custid)) "FL"
     , count(decode(state,'NY',custid)) "NY"
     , count(decode(state,'CA',custid)) "CA"
FROM scott.customer
GROUP BY state

Replace state with month etc... Output:

--- --- ---
0   2   0
5   0   8

Oracle example:


 SELECT product_code, quantity
   FROM   pivot_test
 SUM(quantity) AS sum_quantity 
  FOR (product_code) IN (SELECT DISTINCT product_code 
                        FROM   pivot_test
                       WHERE  id < 10)