let me introduce you to my issue:
I have just begun with programming for android. Now I want to create a little app that asks for the amount of players and then a new screen pops up with as many as EditText fields as the amount of players.
Example: I type in the amount of players (4), then I press send, the next screen is filled with 4 EditText fields asking for the players names.
Here's the code:
Method that asks for the amount of players:
public void gaVerder (View view){
Intent i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), NamenPersonen.class);
String aantal = e.getText().toString();
i.putExtra("aantal", aantal);
Method that delivers the EditText fields:
LinearLayout ll;
EditText editText;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Intent intent = getIntent();
int aantal = Integer.parseInt(intent.getStringExtra("aantal"));
List<EditText> myList = new ArrayList<EditText>();
EditText myEt1 = new EditText(this);
myEt1.setHint("Geef uw naam in.");
for(int i=0;i<aantal;i++)
editText = new EditText(this);
editText.setHint("Geef een naam in");
It's the for-loop part and adding it to the lay-out that isn't working. Also I can't figure out how to debug it, I'm used to debugging Java applications in Netbeans (for android I'm using Eclipse).