I have two classes that perform date date range data fetching for particular days.
public class IterationLookup<TItem>
private IList<Item> items = null;
public IterationLookup(IEnumerable<TItem> items, Func<TItem, TKey> keySelector)
this.items = items.OrderByDescending(keySelector).ToList();
public TItem GetItem(DateTime day)
foreach(TItem i in this.items)
if (i.IsWithinRange(day))
return i;
return null;
public class LinqLookup<TItem>
private IList<Item> items = null;
public IterationLookup(IEnumerable<TItem> items, Func<TItem, TKey> keySelector)
this.items = items.OrderByDescending(keySelector).ToList();
public TItem GetItem(DateTime day)
return this.items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.IsWithinRange(day));
Then I do speed tests which show that Linq version is about 5 times slower. This would make sense when I would store items locally without enumerating them using ToList
. This would make it much slower, because with every call to FirstOrDefault
, linq would also perform OrderByDescending
. But that's not the case so I don't really know what's going on. Linq should perform very similar to iteration.
This is the code excerpt that measures my timings
IList<RangeItem> ranges = GenerateRanges(); // returns List<T>
var iterLookup = new IterationLookup<RangeItems>(ranges, r => r.Id);
var linqLookup = new LinqLookup<RangeItems>(ranges, r => r.Id);
Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();
for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
// display elapsed time
for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
// display elapsed time
Why do I know it should perform better? Because when I write a very similar code without using these lookup classes, Linq performs very similar to foreach
// continue from previous code block
// items used by both order as they do in classes as well
IList<RangeItem> items = ranges.OrderByDescending(r => r.Id).ToList();
for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
DateTime day = GetRandomDay();
foreach(RangeItem r in items)
if (r.IsWithinRange(day))
// RangeItem result = r;
// display elapsed time
for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
DateTime day = GetRandomDay();
items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.IsWithinRange(day));
// display elapsed time
This is by my opinion highly similar code. FirstOrDefault
as much as I know also iterate for only as long until it gets to a valid item or until it reaches the end. And this is somehow the same as foreach
with break
But even iteration class performs worse than my simple foreach
iteration loop which is also a mystery because all the overhead it has is the call to a method within a class compared to direct access.
What am I doing wrong in my LINQ class that it performs so very slow?
What am I doing wrong in my Iteration class so it performs twice as slow as direct foreach
Which times are being measured?
I do these steps:
- Generate ranges (as seen below in results)
- Create object instances for IterationLookup, LinqLookup (and my optimized date range class BitCountLookup which is not part of discussion here)
- Start timer and execute 1 million lookups on random days within maximum date range (as seen in results) by using previously instantiated IterationLookup class.
- Start timer and execute 1 million lookups on random days within maximum date range (as seen in results) by using previously instantiated LinqLookup class.
- Start timer and execute 1 million lookups (6 times) using manual foreach+break loops and Linq calls.
As you can see object instantiation is not measured.
Appendix I: Results over million lookups
Ranges displayed in these results don't overlap, which should make both approaches even more similar in case LINQ version doesn't break loop on successful match (which it highly likely does).
Generated Ranges: ID Range 000000000111111111122222222223300000000011111111112222222222 123456789012345678901234567890112345678901234567890123456789 09 22.01.-30.01. |-------| 08 14.01.-16.01. |-| 07 16.02.-19.02. |--| 06 15.01.-17.01. |-| 05 19.02.-23.02. |---| 04 01.01.-07.01.|-----| 03 02.01.-10.01. |-------| 02 11.01.-13.01. |-| 01 16.01.-20.01. |---| 00 29.01.-06.02. |-------| Lookup classes... - Iteration: 1028ms - Linq: 4517ms !!! THIS IS THE PROBLEM !!! - BitCounter: 401ms Manual loops... - Iter: 786ms - Linq: 981ms - Iter: 787ms - Linq: 996ms - Iter: 787ms - Linq: 977ms - Iter: 783ms - Linq: 979ms
Appendix II: GitHub:Gist code to test for yourself
I've put up a Gist so you can get the full code yourself and see what's going on. Create a Console application and copy Program.cs into it an add other files that are part of this gist.
Grab it here.
Appendix III: Final thoughts and measurement tests
The most problematic thing was of course LINQ implementatino that was awfully slow. Turns out that this has all to do with delegate compiler optimization. LukeH provided the best and most usable solution that actually made me try different approaches to this. I've tried various different approaches in the GetItem
method (or GetPointData
as it's called in Gist):
the usual way that most of developers would do (and is implemented in Gist as well and wasn't updated after results revealed this is not the best way of doing it):
return this.items.FirstOrDefault(item => item.IsWithinRange(day));
by defining a local predicate variable:
Func<TItem, bool> predicate = item => item.IsWithinRange(day); return this.items.FirstOrDefault(predicate);
local predicate builder:
Func<DateTime, Func<TItem, bool>> builder = d => item => item.IsWithinRange(d); return this.items.FirstOrDefault(builder(day));
local predicate builder and local predicate variable:
Func<DateTime, Func<TItem, bool>> builder = d => item => item.IsWithinRange(d); Func<TItem, bool> predicate = builder(day); return this.items.FirstOrDefault(predicate);
class level (static or instance) predicate builder:
return this.items.FirstOrDefault(classLevelBuilder(day));
externally defined predicate and provided as method parameter
public TItem GetItem(Func<TItem, bool> predicate) { return this.items.FirstOrDefault(predicate); }
when executing this method I also took two approaches:
predicate provided directly at method call within
loop:for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { linqLookup.GetItem(item => item.IsWithinRange(GetRandomDay())); }
predicate builder defined outside
loop:Func<DateTime, Func<Ranger, bool>> builder = d => r => r.IsWithinRange(d); for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { linqLookup.GetItem(builder(GetRandomDay())); }
Results - what performs best
For comparison when using iteration class, it takes it approx. 770ms to execute 1 million lookups on randomly generated ranges.
3 local predicate builder turns out to be best compiler optimized so it performs almost as fast as usual iterations. 800ms.
6.2 predicate builder defined outside
loop: 885ms6.1 predicate defined within
loop: 1525ms- all others took somewhere between 4200ms - 4360ms and are thus considered unusable.
So whenever you use a predicate in externally frequently callable method, define a builder and execute that. This will yield best results.
The biggest surprise to me about this is that delegates (or predicates) may be this much time consuming.