Can anyone tell me how to import a document from client machine to documentum repository using only "DQL", below is the command I am using... it's not working thought...
The error I am getting is [DM_SYSOBJECT_E_CANT_ACCESS_FILE- Unable to access file due to operating system error.
set object_name='xyz',
set folder_title='pqr',
set doc_subtype_code='XXXX',
set template_code='00',
set doc_subtype_nme='abc Documents',
set isworkflowrequired=1,
set iscreatedfrombiztemplate=0,
set sec_classification_code='O',
set acl_domain='myacldomain',
set acl_name='myacl'
set product_wf_code='0'
LINK '/Cabinet123/MYDocs',
SETFILE 'C:\mydoc.doc' WITH CONTENT_FORMAT='msw8';