
C++ REST SDK Casablanca Client.request

2019-07-16 23:46发布


I want to write a little c++ program that sends a request to a server an get some data. I found the C++ Rest-SDK and decided to use it. I searched on different websites for code-examples but many of them doesn't work an shows syntax errors. What i got now is that code but the client.request method is skipped. The program never jumps in. Hope someone can realise the problem and maybe explain what i have to change.

#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "cpprest/containerstream.h"
#include "cpprest/filestream.h"
#include "cpprest/http_client.h"
#include "cpprest/json.h"
#include "cpprest/producerconsumerstream.h"
#include "cpprest/http_client.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace web;
using namespace web::json;
using namespace web::http;
using namespace web::http::client;
using namespace utility;
using namespace utility::conversions;

int main() {

  http_client client(L"http://httpbin.org/ip");

  client.request(methods::GET).then([](http_response response)
    if(response.status_code() == status_codes::OK)
      auto body = response.extract_string().get();    
      std::wcout << body;

  return 0;


It is possible that the main thread is terminated before the "request" task completed, so you cannot see any console outputs. I suggest you to call the task "wait()" function after ".then", like in the answer on their site


Your program runs off the end of main and terminates. You need to add wait after the then call:

client.request(methods::GET).then([](http_response response)
    // ...


this code is working :

// ConsoleApplication1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <cpprest/http_client.h>
#include <cpprest/filestream.h>

using namespace utility;                    // Common utilities like string conversions
using namespace web;                        // Common features like URIs.
using namespace web::http;                  // Common HTTP functionality
using namespace web::http::client;          // HTTP client features
using namespace concurrency::streams;       // Asynchronous streams

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    // Make the request and asynchronously process the response. 

    http_client client(L"http://localhost:8082/TPJAXRS/Test/test");

  client.request(methods::GET).then([](http_response response)
    if(response.status_code() == status_codes::OK)
      auto body = response.extract_string().get();    
      std::wcout << body<< std::endl;

    std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl;

        return 0;



#include <cpprest/http_client.h>
#include <cpprest/filestream.h>
#include <cpprest/http_listener.h>              // HTTP server
#include <cpprest/json.h>                       // JSON library
#include <cpprest/uri.h>                        // URI library
#include <cpprest/ws_client.h>                  // WebSocket client
#include <cpprest/containerstream.h>            // Async streams backed by                    STL containers
#include <cpprest/interopstream.h>              // Bridges for integrating  Async streams with STL and WinRT streams
#include <cpprest/rawptrstream.h>               // Async streams backed by raw pointer to memory
#include <cpprest/producerconsumerstream.h>     // Async streams for producer consumer scenarios
using namespace utility;                    // Common utilities like string conversions
using namespace web;                        // Common features like URIs.
using namespace web::http;                  // Common HTTP functionality
using namespace web::http::client;          // HTTP client features
using namespace concurrency::streams;       // Asynchronous streams
using namespace web::http::experimental::listener;          // HTTP server
using namespace web::experimental::web_sockets::client;     // WebSockets client
using namespace web::json;                                  // JSON library
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 auto fileStream = std::make_shared<ostream>();

// Open stream to output file.
    pplx::task<void> requestTask =   fstream::open_ostream(U("results.html")).then([=](ostream outFile)
    *fileStream = outFile;

    // Create http_client to send the request.
    http_client client(U("http://www.bing.com/"));

    // Build request URI and start the request.
    uri_builder builder(U("/search"));
    builder.append_query(U("q"), U("cpprestsdk github"));
    return client.request(methods::GET, builder.to_string());

    // Handle response headers arriving.
    .then([=](http_response response)
    printf("Received response status code:%u\n", response.status_code());

    // Write response body into the file.
    return response.body().read_to_end(fileStream->streambuf());

    // Close the file stream.
    return fileStream->close();

// Wait for all the outstanding I/O to complete and handle any exceptions
catch (const std::exception &e)
    printf("Error exception:%s\n", e.what());

return 0;

This is for setting in HTTP request

link for HTTP tutorial for further information go through this tutorial