This is a sample.
df <- tibble(
subject = rep(letters[1:7], c(5, 6, 7, 5, 2, 5, 2)),
day = c(3:7, 2:7, 1:7, 3:7, 6:7, 3:7, 6:7),
x1 = runif(32), x2 = rpois(32, 3), x3 = rnorm(32), x4 = rnorm(32, 1, 5))
df %>%
group_by(subject) %>%
coef_x1 = lm(x1 ~ day)$coefficients[2],
coef_x2 = lm(x2 ~ day)$coefficients[2],
coef_x3 = lm(x3 ~ day)$coefficients[2],
coef_x4 = lm(x4 ~ day)$coefficients[2])
This data is small, so performance is not problem.
But my data is so large, approximately 1,000,000 rows and 200,000 subjects, and this code is very slow.
I think the cause is not lm
's speed but a lot of subject and subsetting.
In theory
Firstly, you can fit a linear model with multiple LHS.
Secondly, explicit data splitting is not the only way (or a recommended way) for group-by regression. See R regression analysis: analyzing data for a certain ethnicity and R: build separate models for each category. So build your model as cbind(x1, x2, x3, x4) ~ day * subject
where subject
is a factor variable.
Finally, since you have many factor levels and work with a large dataset, lm
is infeasible. Consider using speedglm::speedlm
with sparse = TRUE
, or MatrixModels::glm4
with sparse = TRUE
In reality
Neither speedlm
nor glm4
is under active development. Their functionality is (in my view) primitive.
Neither speedlm
nor glm4
supports multiple LHS as lm
. So you need do 4 separate models x1 ~ day * subject
to x4 ~ day * subject
These two packages have different logic behind sparse = TRUE
first constructs a dense design matrix using the standard model.matrix.default
, then uses is.sparse
to survey whether it is sparse or not. If TRUE, subsequent computations can use sparse methods.
uses model.Matrix
to construct a design matrix, and a sparse one can be built directly.
So, it is not surprising that speedlm
is as bad as lm
in this sparsity issue, and glm4
is the one we really want to use.
does not have a full, useful set of generic functions for analyzing fitted models. You can extract coefficients, fitted values and residuals by coef
, fitted
and residuals
, but have to compute all statistics (standard error, t-statistic, F-statistic, etc) all by yourself. This is not a big deal for people who know regression theory well, but it is still rather inconvenient.
still expects you to use the best model formula so that the sparsest matrix can be constructed. The conventional ~ day * subject
is really not a good one. I should probably set up a Q & A on this issue later. Basically, if your formula has intercept and factors are contrasted, you loose sparsity. This is the one we should use: ~ 0 + subject + day:subject
A test with glm4
## use chinsoon12's data in his answer
nSubj <- 200e3
nr <- 1e6
DF <- data.frame(subject = gl(nSubj, 5),
day = 3:7,
y1 = runif(nr),
y2 = rpois(nr, 3),
y3 = rnorm(nr),
y4 = rnorm(nr, 1, 5))
fit <- glm4(y1 ~ 0 + subject + day:subject, data = DF, sparse = TRUE)
It takes about 6 ~ 7 seconds on my 1.1GHz Sandy Bridge laptop. Let's extract its coefficients:
b <- coef(fit)
# subject1 subject2 subject3 subject4 subject5 subject6
# 0.4378952 0.3582956 -0.2597528 0.8141229 1.3337102 -0.2168463
#subject199995:day subject199996:day subject199997:day subject199998:day
# -0.09916175 -0.15653402 -0.05435883 -0.02553316
#subject199999:day subject200000:day
# 0.02322640 -0.09451542
You can do B <- matrix(b, ncol = 2)
, so that the 1st column is intercept and the 2nd is slope.
My thoughts: We probably need better packages for large regression
Using glm4
here does not give attractive advantage over chinsoon12's data.table
solution since it also basically just tells you the regression coefficient. It is also a bit slower than data.table
method, because it computes fitted values and residuals.
Analysis of simple regression does not require a proper model fitting routine. I have a few answers on how to do fancy stuff on this kind of regression, like Fast pairwise simple linear regression between all variables in a data frame where details on how to compute all statistics are also given. But as I wrote this answer, I was thinking about something in general regarding large regression problem. We might need better packages otherwise there is no end doing case-to-case coding.
In reply to OP
speedglm::speedlm(x1 ~ 0 + subject + day:subject, data = df, sparse = TRUE)
gives Error: cannot allocate vector of size 74.5 Gb
yeah, because it has a bad sparse
MatrixModels::glm4(x1 ~ day * subject, data = df, sparse = TRUE)
gives Error in Cholesky(crossprod(from), LDL = FALSE) : internal_chm_factor: Cholesky factorization failed
This is because you have only one datum for some subject
. You need at least two data to fit a line. Here is an example (in dense settings):
dat <- data.frame(t = c(1:5, 1:9, 1),
f = rep(gl(3,1,labels = letters[1:3]), c(5, 9, 1)),
y = rnorm(15))
Level "c" of f
only has one datum / row.
X <- model.matrix(~ 0 + f + t:f, dat)
XtX <- crossprod(X)
#Error in chol.default(XtX) :
# the leading minor of order 6 is not positive definite
Cholesky factorization is unable to resolve rank-deficient model. If we use lm
's QR factorization, we will see an NA
lm(y ~ 0 + f + t:f, dat)
# fa fb fc fa:t fb:t fc:t
# 0.49893 0.52066 -1.90779 -0.09415 -0.03512 NA
We can only estimate an intercept for level "c", not a slope.
Note that if you use the data.table
solution, you end up with 0 / 0
when computing slope of this level, and the final result is NaN
Update: fast solution now available
Check out Fast group-by simple linear regression and general paired simple linear regression.
Since OP appears to be looking only for beta, here is an approach using data.table
package to calculate only beta. See reference for the formula.
dt[, sumx := sum(day), by=.(subject)][,
denom := sum(day^2) - sumx^2 / .N, by=.(subject)]
dt[, lapply(.SD, function(y) (sum(day*y) - (sumx[1L] * sum(y))/.N) / denom[1L]),
.SDcols = paste0("y", 1:4)]
nSubj <- 200e3
nr <- 1e6
dt <- data.table(
subject = rep(1:nSubj, each=5),
day = 3:7,
y1 = runif(nr),
y2 = rpois(nr, 3),
y3 = rnorm(nr),
y4 = rnorm(nr, 1, 5))
dt2 <- copy(dt)
Inference in Linear Regression
In terms of intellectual understanding of linear regression, Lee Zheyuan's solution is the best (+1)
add some timings:
dt[, lapply(.SD, function(y) cov(x,y) / var(x) ),
.SDcols=paste0("y", 1:4)]
user system elapsed
73.96 0.00 74.15
dt2[, sumx := sum(day), by=.(subject)][,
denom := sum(day^2) - sumx^2 / .N, by=.(subject)]
dt2[, lapply(.SD, function(y) (sum(day*y) - (sumx[1L] * sum(y))/.N) / denom[1L]),
.SDcols = paste0("y", 1:4)]
user system elapsed
2.14 0.00 2.14