I have some spectrum data that looks like one of the multiplets when is plotted: http://journals.prous.com/journals/dof/19982303/html/df230301/images/keiferf3.gif
How it is seen in the image, all the peaks are realy close among each other, so I would like to do some deconvolution using nls function, like it was posted before (R: Fitting Gaussian peaks to density plot data using nls), but using a Lorentzian function instead:
y <- 1/(pi*a*(1+((x-x0)/a)^2))
In my case, x0 is the peak maximum (and length(x0) is the number of peaks), so I only need to optimize 'a'.
However, my problem is not related to perform that, but in writing a robust script that would deconvolute any spectrum, taking the number of peaks as input information.
My first idea was to write the lorentzian function and leave the 'a' as a vector (to apply thereafter a sum of all lorentzian curves), but R doesn't recognize this structure:
for (i in 1:length(x0)) {
f[i]<-function(a) { y <- 1/(pi*a[i]*(1+((x-x0[i])/a[i])^2)) }
fit <- nls(sum(f[1:length(x0)]), start=list(a=rep(1, times=length(x0))))
This is my sample, in .csv format (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B66EHLI5AufhbjlWcW9rYXl1UFk/edit?usp=sharing). Data is filled in 2 rows. The first one has the frequency (in ppm), and the second the intensity. For this data, I will pick 5 peaks, so I would do 'nls' on formula=f[1]+f[2]+f[3]+f[4]+f[5] and I would have 5 parametres (a[1:5]) to evaluate.