I have a few thousand CSV files in a directory on my machine that need to be validated based on a regex that I have formulated. The path_to_validator points to a Scala script, that is run through a windows .bat file on the command line. It reads the regex and the csv file and gives it a PASS/FAIL grade, which is printed to output.txt.
The constraint is that this Scala script takes a directory as argument, not a Python list, therefore I cannot split the workload so easily between processes. I could have each process' files moved to a temporary directory, but the details of the project are such that, ideally, my deployed program should not need write privileges to the CSV files.
This is the code:
with open("output.txt", 'w') as output:
for filename in os.listdir(path_to_csv_folder):
print("Processing file " + str(current_file_count) + "/" + str(TOTAL_FILE_COUNT), end='\r')
output.write(filename + ': ')
validator = subprocess.Popen([path_to_validator, path_to_csv_folder + filename, path_to_csv_schema, "-x",
CSV_ENCODING, "-y", CSV_SCHEMA_ENCODING], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
result = validator.stdout.read()
current_file_count += 1
The issue is that it takes 1h 30min+ while utilizing only about 20% CPU. This should be an obvious candidate for parallelization speedup. The directory has 5000+ CSV files, and they all need to be processed. How can I split the workload onto 4 different processes in order to utilize all CPU power?
This is the code I actually made:
Command line API to CSV validator using Scala implementation from:
PATH_TO_VALIDATOR = r"C:\prog\csv\csv-validator-cmd-1.2-RC2\bin\validate.bat"
PATH_TO_CSV_FOLDER = r"C:\prog\csv\CSVFiles"
PATH_TO_CSV_SCHEMA = r"C:\prog\csv\ocr-schema.csvs"
# Set defaults
CSV_ENCODING = "windows-1252"
def open_csv(CSV_LIST):
import subprocess
# To be used to display a simple progress indicator
current_file_count = 1
with open("output.txt", 'w') as output:
for filename in CSV_LIST:
print("Processing file " + str(current_file_count) + "/" + str(TOTAL_FILE_COUNT))
output.write(filename + ': ')
validator = subprocess.Popen(
[PATH_TO_VALIDATOR, PATH_TO_CSV_FOLDER + "/" + filename, PATH_TO_CSV_SCHEMA, "--csv-encoding",
CSV_ENCODING, "--csv-schema-encoding", CSV_SCHEMA_ENCODING, '--fail-fast', 'true'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
result = validator.stdout.read()
current_file_count += 1
# Split a list into n sublists of roughly equal size
def split_list(alist, wanted_parts=1):
length = len(alist)
return [alist[i * length // wanted_parts: (i + 1) * length // wanted_parts]
for i in range(wanted_parts)]
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
import multiprocessing
import os
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Command line API to Scala CSV validator")
parser.add_argument('-pv', '--PATH_TO_VALIDATOR', help="Specify the path to csv-validator-cmd/bin/validator.bat",
parser.add_argument('-pf', '--PATH_TO_CSV_FOLDER', help="Specify the path to the folder containing the csv files "
"you want to validate", required=True)
parser.add_argument('-ps', '--PATH_TO_CSV_SCHEMA', help="Specify the path to CSV schema you want to use to "
"validate the given files", required=True)
parser.add_argument('-cenc', '--CSV_ENCODING', help="Optional parameter to specify the encoding used by the CSV "
"files. Choose UTF-8 or windows-1252. Default windows-1252")
parser.add_argument('-csenc', '--CSV_SCHEMA_ENCODING', help="Optional parameter to specify the encoding used by "
"the CSV Schema. Choose UTF-8 or windows-1252. "
"Default UTF-8")
args = vars(parser.parse_args())
if args['CSV_ENCODING'] is not None:
if args['CSV_SCHEMA_ENCODING'] is not None:
CPU_COUNT = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
split_csv_directory = split_list(os.listdir(args["PATH_TO_CSV_FOLDER"]), wanted_parts=CPU_COUNT)
# Spawn a Process for each CPU on the system
for csv_list in split_csv_directory:
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=open_csv, args=(csv_list,))
Please let me know of any pitfalls in my code.