../Crashlytics/Crashlytics.framework/run <key>
is there any parameter which can be used along with key which prints any success or the activities which happens when the run phase of the build gets executed. I was not able to find any documentation on this. ic you can point me any docs link for run command will be very helpful. Thanks.
The run command by default is printing out some information already. Specifically, it is printing out the version number of the framework the date/time and it provides a status of the dsym upload. Here is example of what is printing out.
[exec] 2014-07-02 16:44:27.146 run[62614:507] Crashlytics.framework/run 1.3.8
[exec] 2014-07-02 16:44:30.025 run[62614:507]
[exec] Crashlytics: AppName.app.dSYM uploaded statusCode 201
This is the output from my hudson job, but if you are doing this directly within xcode this will also be in your build logs (not the debug logs). View them in Xcode by going to View/Navigators-->Report Navigators. You will see the log entries for crashlytics in you latest build log. The line that stararts with crashlytics: is the status.
I am not aware of any other switches for the crashlytics run application.