Sparql query gone wrong cause of incorrect geo ont

2019-07-16 12:26发布


I'm using ARC2 library for php to issue sparql queries, and i got stuck on this issue (I don't think it has something to do with the lib).

This query works just fine - in my app, and in dbpedia snorql:

PREFIX dbo:<>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dbpedia2: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX geo: <>

?c rdf:type dbo:Country;
foaf:name "someCountryName"@en.

On the other hand, this query doesn't work:

?c rdf:type dbo:Country;
foaf:name "someCountryName"@en;
geo:lat ?lat.

Note: the query is done using the same prefixes as listed above. I just need to take lat & long of a country. I could also try Freebase, but i really need to make it work here. The 2nd query works in snorql, can't see why it doesn't also work in my app? Any help is much appreciated!


Note: This text was provided by @IrinaM, but put into the question as a revision because of the eight hour limit. It's now much later and the suggestion that @IrinaM post as an answer hasn't been acted upon. Here's a slightly edited CW answer containing that text.

There are several mistakes in the code in the question.

  1. The 2nd query (the one that didn't “work”) would return several results. If I searched countries with foaf:name "Romania", it would return "Communist Romania", "Wallachian Romania", "Romania", etc. Out of these results, only one would have geo:lat and geo:long. Basically, when a required property isn't satisfied by all the results, then no results will be returned.

  2. The wrong ontology is used for geo; it should be <>.

  3. The other odd results need to be filtered out, to only keep the desired unique results. In this case, filtering after the inexistence of dbpedia-owl:dissolutionDate works. Exact matches of foaf:name using FILTER (?name="someCountryName"^^xsd:string) do not work.

Here's code that retrieves successfully the latitude and longitude values for a given country (beware, some other filters may be needed when searching for the right country):

//setup prefixes
$prefixes = 'PREFIX dbo:<>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dbpedia2: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
//query no. 1 - find out "right" country - hoping for a unique result
$q1 = $prefixes.'SELECT ?c WHERE {
?c rdf:type dbo:Country;
foaf:name "'.$userPreferences->country.'"@en. 
OPTIONAL {?c dbo:dissolutionDate ?x}
//note: $userPreferences->country represents a country entered by the user in an input

//query no. 2 - find out long & lat
$q2 = $prefixes.'SELECT * WHERE {
<'.$countryReturned.'> geo:lat ?lat;
geo:long ?long.
//note: $countryReturned represents the URI of the "unique" country my 1st query
//retrieved, we use it directly.

For those passionate about ARC2 PHP lib, this is how to make the queries (note:don't forget to include the ARC2.php file):

$dbpediaEndpoint = array('remote_store_endpoint' =>'');
$dbpediaStore = ARC2::getRemoteStore($dbpediaEndpoint);
$rows1 = $dbpediaStore->query($q1,'rows');
var_dump($rows1); //to see quick results

标签: php sparql