How can I choose it's position based on it's sibblings when I add a child node ?
Here is an example :
$_XML = ' <Test>
<Link href="page1.htm" />
<Link href="page2.htm" />
<Link href="page4.htm" />
$_RenderedXML = new SimpleXMLElement($_XML);
//Add a new Link node
$_NewLink = $_RenderedXML->Menu->addChild("Link");
$_NewLink->addAttribute("href", "page3.htm");
echo $_RenderedXML->asXML();
This will render the XML with the new node below it's sibbling.
I would like to specify it's position.
addChild("Link", 2) //or something.
I know that Artefacto's answer has been accepted already but it looks to be doing more work than is required. A simpler alternative, using his function signature, could look like the function below.
function addchild_at(SimpleXMLElement $sxml, $tagname, $i)
$parent = dom_import_simplexml($sxml);
$child = $parent->ownerDocument->createElement($tagname);
$target = $parent->getElementsByTagname('*')->item($i);
if ($target === NULL) {
} else {
$parent->insertBefore($child, $target);
You have to fallback to DOM and use dom_import_simplexml
$_RenderedXML = new SimpleXMLElement($_XML);
//Add a new Link node
addchild_at($_RenderedXML->Menu, "Link", 2);
$_RenderedXML->Menu->Link[2]->addAttribute("href", "page3.htm");
function addchild_at(SimpleXMLElement $sxml, $tagname, $i) {
$elem = dom_import_simplexml($sxml);
$new = $elem->ownerDocument->createElement($tagname);
$chnodes = array();
foreach ($elem->childNodes as $cn) {
$chnodes[] = $cn;
$chnodes = array_filter($chnodes,
function (DOMNode $dn) { return $dn->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE; }
$chnodes = array_values($chnodes);
if ($i < count($chnodes))
$elem->insertBefore($new, $chnodes[$i]);