Let's say I have a web bot written in python that sends data via POST request to a web site. The data is pulled from a text file line by line and passed into an array. Currently, I'm testing each element in the array through a simple for-loop. How can I effectively implement multi-threading to iterate through the data quicker. Let's say the text file is fairly large. Would attaching a thread to each request be smart? What do you think the best approach to this would be?
with open("c:\file.txt") as file:
dataArr = file.read().splitlines()
dataLen = len(open("c:\file.txt").readlines())-1
def test(data):
#This next part is pseudo code
result = testData('www.example.com', data)
if result == 'whatever':
print 'success'
for i in range(0, dataLen):
I was thinking of something along the lines of this, but I feel it would cause issues depending on the size of the text file. I know there is software that exists which allows the end-user to specify the amount of the threads when working with large amounts of data. I'm not entirely sure of how that works, but that's something I'd like to implement.
import threading
with open("c:\file.txt") as file:
dataArr = file.read().splitlines()
dataLen = len(open("c:\file.txt").readlines())-1
def test(data):
#This next part is pseudo code
result = testData('www.example.com', data)
if result == 'whatever':
print 'success'
jobs = []
for x in range(0, dataLen):
thread = threading.Thread(target=test, args=(dataArr[x]))
for j in jobs:
for j in jobs: