Actual question
Seems like devtools::test()
does not make sure that package dependencies as stated in a package's DESCRIPTION
file are loaded prior to running the unit tests. How can I change that?
I'm writing a package (B
) that imports another one of my packages (A
When I try to run my unit tests via devtools::test()
, or, to be more precise via the shortcut SHFT + CRTL + T
in RStudio, certain tests fail as the imported package seems to be disregarded/not loaded and thus a certain function (isPackageInstalled
) can't be found.
Trying to load the imported package A
manually before running devtools::test()
didn't help either. I guess that's due to the fact that devtools
(or testthat
) "simulates" a fresh workspace state? Running the unit tests "one by one" works just fine after manually loading package A
beforehand, though.
I thought that devtools would look up package dependencies in the DESCRIPTION
file of B
and thus load them as would be the case when running require("B")
, but apparently not.
Package: B
Type: Package
Title: What the package does (short line)
Date: 2014-08-05
Author: Who wrote it
Maintainer: Who to complain to <>
Description: More about what it does (maybe more than one line)
License: What license is it under?
Imports: A
Here's the code I ran:
devtools::load_all() # or SHFT + CTRL + L in RStudio
devtools::test() # or SHFT + CTRL + T in RStudio
That's what RStudio's build
pane gave me:
==> devtools::test()
Loading required package: testthat
Testing B
Loading B
Creating a new generic function for 'signalCondition' in package 'B'
package : 1
package : ......
1. Error: getPackageDescription ------------------------------------------------
could not find function "isPackageInstalled"
1: expect_is(res <- getPackageDescription(), expected) at test-getPackageDescription.r:13
2: expect_that(object, is_a(class), info, label)
3: condition(object)
4: paste0(class(x), collapse = ", ")
5: getPackageDescription()
6: getPackageDescription() at Q:\home\wsp\rapp2\B/R/getPackageDescription.r:37
7: getPackageDescription(from = from, fields = fields, drop = drop, encoding = encoding,
...) at Q:\home\wsp\rapp2\B/R/getPackageDescription.r:154
8: getPackageDescription(from = from, fields = fields, drop = drop, encoding = encoding,
...) at Q:\home\wsp\rapp2\B/R/getPackageDescription.r:37
Am I missing something here?
Screenshot of build tools dialogue: