We are facing an issue with our kafka set up as we see our Kafka nodes goes down showing this error every couple of days.
Halting because log truncation is not allowed for topic __consumer_offsets,
Current leader 11's latest offset 123 is less than replica 13's latest offset 234 .
Every-time there is new topic mentioned in the error log. We have 3 Kafka nodes with 3 zookeeper nodes. Could you what is causing this issue and how it can be fixed.
This is the code which checks for this error
* Unclean leader election: A follower goes down, in the meanwhile the leader keeps appending messages. The follower comes back up
* and before it has completely caught up with the leader's logs, all replicas in the ISR go down. The follower is now uncleanly
* elected as the new leader, and it starts appending messages from the client. The old leader comes back up, becomes a follower
* and it may discover that the current leader's end offset is behind its own end offset.
* In such a case, truncate the current follower's log to the current leader's end offset and continue fetching.
* There is a potential for a mismatch between the logs of the two replicas here. We don't fix this mismatch as of now.
val leaderEndOffset: Long = earliestOrLatestOffset(topicPartition, ListOffsetRequest.LATEST_TIMESTAMP)
if (leaderEndOffset < replica.logEndOffset.messageOffset) {
// Prior to truncating the follower's log, ensure that doing so is not disallowed by the configuration for unclean leader election.
// This situation could only happen if the unclean election configuration for a topic changes while a replica is down. Otherwise,
// we should never encounter this situation since a non-ISR leader cannot be elected if disallowed by the broker configuration.
if (!LogConfig.fromProps(brokerConfig.originals, AdminUtils.fetchEntityConfig(replicaMgr.zkUtils,
ConfigType.Topic, topicPartition.topic)).uncleanLeaderElectionEnable) {
// Log a fatal error and shutdown the broker to ensure that data loss does not occur unexpectedly.
fatal(s"Exiting because log truncation is not allowed for partition $topicPartition, current leader " +
s"${sourceBroker.id}'s latest offset $leaderEndOffset is less than replica ${brokerConfig.brokerId}'s latest " +
s"offset ${replica.logEndOffset.messageOffset}")
throw new FatalExitError