PHP DomDocument : How remove a div?

2019-07-16 05:28发布


Here is my code :

$doc = new DOMDocument();

// si le meta existe alors il y a un sondage
if($doc->getElementById('meta') != null){
    $nombreMeta = $doc->getElementById('meta')->nodeValue;
    $numSondage = $doc->getElementById('meta')->getAttribute('class');
        $meta = $meta."0,";
    $meta = substr($meta,0,-1); 
    $divMeta = $doc->getElementById('meta');
    $oldchapter = $doc->removeChild($divMeta);
    $oHead = $doc->getElementsByTagName('head')->item(0);
    $oMeta2 = $doc->createElement('meta');
    $oHead->insertBefore($oMeta2, $oHead->firstChild);
    $sContent = $doc->saveHTML();

I'm trying to remove div with id="meta" ($doc->getElementById('meta')), but I don't know why it doesn't work.

I have tested lots of things like :

$metmet = $doc->documentElement;
$divMeta = $metmet->getElementById('meta')->item(0);

But it doesn't work. Any ideas ?


The removeChild method removes a child element from a node. A div cannot be a child element of the document object, only <html> can be (in an HTML document).

Having found the div you want to remove, you need to fetch its parent node. Then call removeChild on that.



The following code should work:

$divMeta = $doc->getElementById('meta');
  • removeChild
  • parentNode