I'm using caret to train models over resamples and tune learning parameters, and I can interrogate the probabilities for each test, which is great. But I'm also keen to retain the model objects and use them later without retraining -- is this possible? Basically rather than just the mdl$finalModel object, I'd like the model object for each iteration of tuning.
Not really. You could write a custom method and modify the fit
function to save them out to a file. Inside the fit
function, you would know the tuning parameter value but not what resample that the model was build with.
Thanks Max. I'm using your suggestion so I'm posting my code here should anyone else want to try this. I am working out the resample later by also saving rownames(x)
# Copy all model structure info from existing model type
cust.mdl <- getModelInfo("rf", regex=FALSE)[[1]]
# Override fit function so that we can save the iteration
cust.mdl$fit <- function(x=x, y=y, wts=wts, param=param, lev=lev, last=last, classProbs=classProbs, ...) {
# Dont save the final pass (dont train the final model across the entire training set)
if(last == TRUE) return(NULL)
# Fit the model
fit.obj <- getModelInfo("rf", regex=FALSE)[[1]]$fit(x, y, wts, param, lev, last, classProbs, ...)
# Create an object with data to save and save it
fit.data <- list(resample=rownames(x),
#x, y, wts,
param=param, lev=lev, last=last, classProbs=classProbs,
# Create a string representing the tuning params
param.str <- paste(lapply(1:ncol(param), function(x) {
paste0(names(param)[x], param[1,x])
}), collapse="-")
save(fit.data, file=paste0("rf_modeliter_", sample(1000:9999,1), "_", param.str, ".RData"))
return (fit.obj)