I'm trying to use the PATH solver (http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~ferris/path.html) together with Pyomo on Mac OS X (10.11, Intel). I'm using the most recent Anaconda install with Python 3.5.
Pyomo can make use of AMPL libraries. From http://prod.sandia.gov/techlib/access-control.cgi/2015/155584.pdf I'm trying to run the following example:
`# file munson1.py
from pyomo.environ import *
from pyomo.mpec import *
model = ConcreteModel()
model.x1 = Var()
model.x2 = Var()
model.x3 = Var()
model.f1 = Complementarity(expr=
complements(model.x1 >= 0,
model.x1 + 2*model.x2 + 3*model.x3 >= 1))
model.f2 = Complementarity(expr=
complements(model.x2 >= 0,
model.x2 - model.x3 >= -1))
model.f3 = Complementarity(expr=
complements(model.x3 >= 0,
model.x1 + model.x2 >= -1))`
which should be run from bash with pyomo solve --solver=path munson1.py
To make that work I should use the executable pathampl (PATH solver for AMPL) and put it in my $PATH. I did that with two versions of it (available from the PATH website):
The mac os x version seems to be made for PowerPC it displays something along the line of "Wrong CPU version".
Alternatively I tried the Linux version, however the pyomo command returns Solver (path) returned non-zero return code (-1)
. Calling pathampl by itself it shows /usr/local/bin/pathampl: cannot execute binary file
Does anybody have an idea of how to make it work? Thanks!