I want to reuse a set of local assignments in the let
form of different functions. Let's say
(def common-assign
[x 10
y 20])
one way to do it is with eval
(eval `(defn ~'foo []
(let [~@common-assign
~'hello "world"])
The problem is that now you have to quote all other symbols, which is cumbersome.
Is there any other clean way to do what I want?
(defmacro with-common [& body]
`(let ~'[x 10, y 20]
(with-common (+ x y))
(def common-assign
['x 10
'y 20])
(defmacro defn-common [name args & body]
`(defn ~name ~args (let ~common-assign ~@body)))
(defn-common foo [a b c] (+ a b c x y))
You can use a closure for this.
(let [x 10
y 20]
(defn foo
(let [hello "world"]
(defn bar
But, why not just refer to the values in the namespace?
(def x 10)
(def y 20)
(defn foo
(let [hello "world"]
(defn bar