I've finally got my full grammar up earlier today and ran into the "String is too long" Java issue.
I understand that this problem has been resolved but I was afraid of running into other limitations so I decided to switch to using the C# target. I'm an experienced C++ programmer and learned Java to be able to use Antlr4, switching to C# is no big deal, just a new syntax to learn.
I am now getting the message: 1>CSC : fatal error CS1647: An expression is too long or complex to compile
There's no other information provided. Has anyone seen this one before with code generated by Antlr4? I searched the web for the message but found nothing that could help (many references to older bugs that are supposed to be fixed).
My project is currently composed of a single .cs file along with 2 .g4 file (lexer and parser grammars).
The grammar is pretty complex (implement a language define in an IEEE standard).
I originally implemented a subset of the grammar using the Java target without any issues.
Any pointers are appreciated.
Here's some additional information. I am using Visual Studio 2012. It seems to be the same a different version of the Java issue I originally saw.
I was able to create a sample C# file containing just the line :
public static readonly string _serializedATN =
"\x4\x1F\t\x1F\x4 \t \x4!\t!\x4\"\t\"\x4#\t#\x4$\t$\x4%\t%\x4&\t&\x4\'"+
and the issue was reproducible. The line is over 4400 lines long. The C# compiler doesn't seem to be able to handle this many concat. I was trying to avoid removing the keyword from my language and creating a hash table with them. This might be my only solution at this time.