So I have this update statement which when I dump the $_POST variables., I get the outputs I want.
$stmt = $dbConnectionW->prepare("UPDATE members SET
fname='". mysqli_real_escape_string($dbConnectionW, $_POST['fname']) ."',
sname='". mysqli_real_escape_string($dbConnectionW, $_POST['sname']) ."',
gender='". mysqli_real_escape_string($dbConnectionW, $_POST['gender']) ."',
nationality='". mysqli_real_escape_string($dbConnectionW, $_POST['nation']) ."',
year='". mysqli_real_escape_string($dbConnectionW, $_POST['year']) ."',
dep1='". mysqli_real_escape_string($dbConnectionW, $_POST['dep1']) ."',
dep2='". mysqli_real_escape_string($dbConnectionW, $_POST['dep2']) ."',
f_pos='". mysqli_real_escape_string($dbConnectionW, $_POST['f_pos']) ."',
f_region='". mysqli_real_escape_string($dbConnectionW, $_POST['f_region']) ."',
userconfirm = '1'
WHERE confirmcode = '".$passkey."';");
if (!$stmt)
die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($dbConnectionW));
$smst-> close(); }}} mysqli_close($dbConnectionW);
Basically the issue is that it won't update the database! It works with no errors, but the database does not get updated after this sql/php attempt.
Can anyone see anything wrong with my code? What are some possible causes for why my would my database not be updated? I've been starting at this for the past hour.