I was looking for examples on how to create an XML File in ANT for Java project using Apache POI library. I encountered this statement:
POI 3.5 and later requires the JDK version 1.5 or later. Versions prior to 3.5 require JDK 1.4+ here
I am using Apache 3.9 and set the JDK of my project to Java 1.4 and I didn't encounter any error when trying to run my program via eclipse. But my question is if I make build.xml in ANT and deploy the JAR file. Will my project still run(3)?
Extra info
- I created a build.xml using the ANT plugin in eclipse then Run as --> Ant Build. I didn't encounter any error.
- Also set the JRE to JDK1.4
- I haven't tested this yet if it runs or not because I still don't know how to add a JAR configuration in build.xml... I am still learning how to use ANT.