I've written a MySQL database backup script which store backup files in remote FTP server. It creates some folders in root named by database name, then in each of them it creates some folders named by current date (Format: yyyy-mm-dd), and it these folders it uploads the backup files named by exact time.
I also need to remove old second level folders (which are named by date); I mean the folders older than 4 days. This is the part I've problem with. I tried some codes with ftp_nlist and I could list folders with it, I also ftp_mdtm to get the creation date and compare it with expiration date. But the result was not okay. Here is my code:
$skip = array('.', '..', '.ftpquota', '.htaccess');
$expire_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-4 days', time()));
$ff_list = ftp_nlist($con, $db_dir);
foreach($ff_list as $item)
if(in_array($item, $skip))
$mod_time = ftp_mdtm($con, $item);
if(strtotime($expire_date ) >= $mod_time)
ftp_rmdir($con, $item);
Please attend I need to remove the old folders with all of their contents, So I need the suitable remove command (I don't know if ftp_rmdir works properly).