I have to list several elements that are coming from a database source A and they are: team_id, team_name and team_score (translated for explanation sake).
I need to loop over them, and display that information.
So, I have, on the DAO side:
public function listOfTeams()
$select = $this->select()
->from(array('t'=>'teams'), array('cod_team','name','score'));
return $this->fetchAll($select);
On my team controller:
public function listAction()
$teamsDao = new TeamsDao();
$this->view->infoTeam = $teamsDao->listOfTeams();
And at the view:
<?php for($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++): ?>
<?php if(isset($this->infoTeam[$i])): ?>
Now, the thing is, on each of those listed items, I need to add more information.
That information doesn't come directly from a database, but it's a result of some calculations.
Take for example the percentage of games done. (translated);
$totalGamesNumber > 0 ? ($gamesDone*100)/$totalGamesNumber : 0);
So, I need to grab the total games number from the database, then, for each team, I need to have the number of games done, so that I can have the percentage to be displayed.
The $gamesDone are obtained by:
$gameTeamDao->countGamesPerTeam($gameVo, $teamVo);
I'm stuck here, because I cannot see where/how should I call and make the method for calculating the percentage, in order to allow the percentage of games completed to be presented along with the other data.
Can I have some help out of this mud ?
If you had to write a helper for this, more or less, how will it looked like?
Thanks in advance, MEM
PS - If you need more detailed information. I can provide. I could be forgeting something that for me is taken, but that, for those who want to help it isn't. So, just let me know. Thanks a lot again.
Update: translated all post to English for help sake.