i need to validate that an inserted email address contains "@" and "." without a regular expression. Can somebody to give me "java code" and "structure chart" examples please?
I suspect you're after something like:
if (!address.contains("@") || !address.contains("."))
// Handle bad address
EDIT: This is far from a complete validation, of course. It's barely even the start of validation - but hopefully this will get you going with the particular case you wanted to handle.
You can use commons-validator
, Specifically EmailValidator.isValid()
From my personal experience, the only was to validate an email address is to send a email with a validation link or code. I tried many of the validator but they are not complete because the email addresses can be very loose ...
int dot = address.indexOf('.');
int at = address.indexOf('@', dot + 1);
if(dot == -1 || at == -1 || address.length() == 2) {
// handle bad address
This is not complete solution. You will have to check for multiple occurances of @ and address with only '.' and '@'.
Use String.indexOf if you aren't allowed to use regexp, and but I would adwise you to not validate the address during input.
It's better to send an activation email.
You can also use the Java Mail API. Specifically, here:
http://javamail.kenai.com/nonav/javadocs/javax/mail/internet/InternetAddress.html#InternetAddress(java.lang.String, boolean)
You can search for the first '@', then check if what you have at the left of the '@' is a valid string (i.e. it doesn't have spaces or whatever). After that you should search in the right side for a '.', and check both strings, for a valid domain.
This is a pretty weak test. Anyway I recommend using regular expressions.