I'm trying to draw lots of circles on a sphere using shaders. The basic alogrith is like this:
- calculate the distance from the fragment (using it's texture coordinates) to the location of the circle's center (the circle's center is also specified in texture coordinates)
- calculate the angle from the fragent to the center of the circle.
- based on the angle, access a texture (which has 360 pixels in it and the red channel specifies a radius distance) and retrieve the radius for the given angle
- if the distance from the fragment to the circle's center is less than the retrieved radius then the fragment's color is red, otherwise blue.
I would like to draw ... say 60 red circles on a blue sphere. I got y shader to work for one circle, but how to do 60? Here's what I've tried so far....
I passed in a data texture that specifies the radius for a given angle, but I notice artifacts creep in. I believe this is due to linear interpolation when I try to retrieve information from the data texture using:
float returnV = texture2D(angles, vec2(x, y)).r;
where angles is the data texture (Sampler2D) that contains the radius for a given angle, and x = angle / 360.0 (angle is 0 to 360) and y = 0 to 60 (y is the circle number)
I tried passing in a Uniform float radii[360], but I cannot access radii with dynamic indexing. I even tried this mess ...
getArrayValue(int index) { if (index == 0) { return radii[0]; } else if (index == 1) { return radii[1]; }
and so on ...
If I create a texture and place all of the circles on that texture and then multi-texture the blue sphere with the one containing the circles it works, but as you would expect, I have really bad aliasing. I like the idea of proceduraly generating the circles based on the position of the fragment and that of the circle because of virtually no aliasing. However, I do I do ore than one?